25th Annual General Meeting

25th Annual General Meeting

On the 21st October 2010 NWYAS held its 25th Annual General Meeting. We celebrated 25 years of operation with members from the Inaugural Management Committee, the current management committee, staff and other friends of the agency.

It was wonderful to be able to mark the occasion of our quarter century with those people who started the organisation back in 1985.

The organisation began in response to the local need which was brought to the attention of the community by Father Wally Dethlefs.

A group was formed, who called themselves Enoggera Boarding Group – and were incorporated to be called North West Boarding Inc. From these beginnings, where local community members provided somewhere to live for local young people who needed it, we are now a strong community organisation funded by the Department of Communities to provide support and accommodation to young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

The AGM also marked the 20th year of service as a volunteer of Jim Fouras, who was presented with a gift in recognition of his significant contribution to the organisation.

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