Community Fundraiser Dinner

Community Fundraiser Dinner

Our Community Fundraiser Dinner at Taverner Lounge and Dining was a great success!

We wanted to take this opportunity to thank Taverner Lounge and Dining for approaching us and offering their space to hold the event.  It is great to know we have such support from a local family business.  The food and service was a delight!

To all members of the community that purchased tickets and came along on the night, we are very grateful for your support, we hope you enjoyed the night as much as we did and that you were able to learn more about our service and what we do in your local community.

To all of the businesses who generously donated prizes for our raffles on the night, your response and willingness to be involved blew us away, we were able to give away some really great prizes!

We also thank our special guests, Tim Mander, Member for Everton, Councillor Andrew Wines, and John Sinnamon, President of Blackwood St Chamber of Commerce. We appreciate your support of the work that we do and of our organisation.

With the help of all of you, NWYAS was able to raise $2136.00, which will assist us to provide practical support to young people in the form of go cards, cleaning packs, new parents packs, home starter packs and assistance with drivers licences.

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