
Changing Lives
Our Programs

Help For Those Who Need It

Young people are amongst the most vulnerable groups that are at risk of homelessness. Young people who are usually starting a new chapter in life usually do so with little to no resources. These are the programs we offer to help.

Housing Support Program

This housing program is for young people aged 16 to 25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness (or living in unstable or unsuitable accommodation);

We provide housing where rent is charged at 25% of your income. You will be supported by a Case Worker, who can assist you achieve your goals, improve your tenancy skills and find longer term housing.


Rent Support Program

The Rent Support Program assists young people aged 18 to 25 who have the capacity to live independently. This program offers short, focused support to gain housing in the private rental market.
This program is best suited to young people who are on Newstart Allowance, Disability Support Pension, Parenting Payments or Wages.

We are here to help ALL young people.

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Need Housing Urgently?

This is what we call “Interim Support”.
You may need housing sooner than what we are able to offer. Call one of our Case Workers today and they will talk to you about the Queensland Homelessness Information Platform (QHIP).
This is an online database that all Homelessness services like us in Queensland have access to. If you need housing urgently, our Case Workers will search this database for you daily for any suitable vacancies in other services.
Using QHIP means you won’t have to call each and every service yourself, and you won’t have to tell your story again and again.

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