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On any given night in Australia, there are 27,680 young people aged 12-24 years that are homeless…
Making a Donation

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100% of donations go directly to young people.
NWYAS is a community-based organisation providing support to young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk through our housing programs. We endeavour to support young people on their journey from homelessness to independence…and you can too!
Some ways which your donation can help:
Your donation is tax deductible and could make a very genuine difference for young people in our community.
Making a Donation

By Direct Deposit

If you wish not to use PayPal above, alternatively you can donate by direct deposit here:
Account Name: North West Youth Accommodation Service Inc.
BSB: 633000
Account number: 137696266
Please reference all cash deposits as ‘donation’ for identification purposes.

Please contact NWYAS Inc. directly at or (07) 3855 5233 if a tax receipt is required.

On any given night in Austraia 27,680 young people aged 12-24 years are homeless.
1 in 8 young people 12 to 24 are living in poverty in Australia.
There are 1,163 young people aged 12-24 who are homeless in Brisbane on any given day.

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